Bantam Cochins
How would I sum up the Bantam Cochin in one sentence?
A sweet, quirky, fluffy ball of feathers with feet.
If you haven’t already caught on, I’m a real sucker for breeds that have fully feathered feet. I love big, heavily feathered, curvy birds. Bantam Cochins have all of these traits, but are a ‘travel-sized version.’ I will warn you; be prepared to fall in love. Tonto, my Blue Cochin rooster is such a character - his excitement level means high pitched squeals, cute little love dances, and LOTS of cuddles. I am tempted, EVERYDAY, to bring them to the house. I mean, come on… they’d be perfect house pets!
Bantam Blue Cochin
We hope to have Bantam Cochin eggs available late Summer 2023. We are currently growing breeding stock from our original breeding Blue Cochin pair.
Tonto & PomPom, April 2022
PomPom - 2022 Blue Breeding Hen
Tonto & PomPom, Fall 2021
PomPom, Fall 2021