
  • Hatching Process

    Our chicks are hatched in small groups in our isolated hatchery. The hatchery has no contact with any of our adult birds. Chicks remain in the hatchery until two-weeks post vaccination, or if they are leaving to new homes. Absolutely zero outside chicks or birds enter the hatchery.

  • Vaccination

    In the past we have offered vaccinated chicks (Marek’s and ILT), however at this time we are not offering vaccinated chicks or young stock.

  • Health Guarantee

    We offer a 24 hour health guarantee on all chicks purchased. Once chicks are in your custody, we no longer have control over environmental factors that may affect their health and longevity.

  • Picking Up Your Chicks

    All chicks must be picked-up as we do not offer shipping on live chicks/birds. Chicks must be picked up within 48 hours of intent to purchase/payment. Please bring an appropriate box or carrier for your chicks, lined with a non-slip material such as paper towel or kitchen drawer liner. Chicks will not be sent home on cardboard or newspaper as these surfaces are slippery and increase the risk of injury to the legs of your chicks.