Standard Brahma

Standard Light Brahma

Our Light Brahma flock is currently taking a break, with the odd egg laid here and there. These ladies are having a well-deserved break after a tremendous 2022 breeding season. We saw eggs shipped to both Western Canada, Quebec and the Maritimes throughout 2022.
Be prepared for chicks with all the yellowy fluffiness imaginable.
In all seriousness, this flock is made up of two quality lines (one being the Dave Stuart line).

Standard Dark Brahma

Our Standard Dark Brahma group has developed incredibly throughout the Fall of 2022. The group currently consists of two hens, one RTL pullet, and three young pullets. Our Dark Brahma cock, Kristoff, is the definition of class. His kind demeanour, friendly approach and natural instinct to protect make him a fantastic guy to have around! Kristoff is a notably tall and large Brahma - we expect his size to influence his offspring.

Our Dark Brahma pen is slowly starting to lay sporadically. We have not yet begun serious fertility tests at this time (Jan 2023).



Our Blue/Black/Splash pen is laying with fantastic fertility (Jan 2023). Our lines are primarily from Fairview Farms in Saskatchewan! We already have early chicks hatched as we test fertility on this group regularly. Chicks from this group will be available for purchase late January.

Need help understanding Blue genetics and their breeding patterns? Click here for our Blue Breeding Charts

Black Brahma Hen

Blue Brahma Hen

Lemon Pyle Brahma

The Lemon Pyle Brahma has a sweet spot in my heart! We are really excited about what our flock will produce in 2023. We feel our cocks have outstanding qualities and are feathered to the nines! We already have a lot of interest in reservations for hatching eggs and chicks. Don’t wait to get added to the list!

Lemon Pyle Brahma Hen

Lemon Pyle Brahma

The King of poultry.

Brahmas have an exceptionally friendly disposition. They are a flock favourite at our farm!

Our first Brahma chick!

The Brahma is classified as an Asciatic breed; meaning a group of breeds of domestic fowls supposed to have originated in eastern Asia, containing the Brahmas, Cochins, and Langshans, all large heavy birds that have feathered legs and red ear lobes and lay brown-shelled eggs.